Welcome to the Australian Austin 1800 Archives 

Austin 1800. The car of the century. Released in UK 13th October 1964, and in Australia on 22nd November 1965, this car was third in the front wheel drive series designed by Alec Issigonis. Sadly, market acceptance was not as great as hoped for. Pitched against 6 cylinder locally produced models from Ford and Holden, it was still seen as a lesser car having only four cylinders despite its interior room being far greater to those others. Vastly underrated, both then and now, this car embodies advanced concepts such as front wheel drive, four wheel independent suspension, stiff body structure, and interior room that is often superior to cars on the market some fifty years later.

Here in these pages you'll find many interesting articles, contributions, downloadable material and parts information.

The Austin Motor Vehicle Club of NSW gratefully acknowledges
the many hours of work by Tony Cripps in collecting and compiling
the information made available in the Australian Austin 1800 Archives.

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The Australian Austin 1800 Archives are made available by the Austin Motor Vehicle Club of NSW

