Austins Over Australia

Maryborough, QLD
Wednesday 10th June - Monday 15th June 2026

Austins Over Australia

What is Austins Over Australia?

Austins Over Australia, or AOA as we like to call it, is a National Rally where Austin owners and enthusiasts from across Australia come together. This even takes place every 2 years and is hosted by a different Austin Club in a different part of the country each time.

The weekend consists of organised drives, car displays, visits to local places of interest and generally having an enjoyable time with like minded people. 

Images from AOA 2005 held in Warwick QLD

Where & when is the next one?
The next AOA will be held in Maryborough Queensland from Wednesday 10th June - Monday 15th June 2026.
Hosted by the Austin Motor Vehicle Club of QLD.

Who can take part in it?
Anyone can take part in AOA, but you must pre-register to take part in the event. Owning or driving an Austin isn't a mandatory requirement.

For more details about this event:
Please visit the Austin Motor Vehicle Club of QLD website:

Austins Over Australia

View the news clip courtesy of Channel 7 reporting on
AOA 2024
held in Orange NSW

Austin Radiator Cap

Past AOA's ....
Take a look back at some past events.....


Austin Motor Vehicle Club of NSW

AI Website Maker