Past Events

Following is a small glimpse of the variety of events and places that the Austin Motor Vehicle Club has been to in the past and are typical of events we are likely to run in the future.

Loftus Tram Museum


26th June 2022

Green Tram at Loftus

All Aboard....

David Hill & Ron Franks

David Hill & Ron Franks

John & Jean Corin

John & Jean Corin

Dave & Ron's cars

Dave Davis & Ron Franks cars

Greg Strange & Greg Ryan cars

Greg Strange & Greg Ryan cars

Robert Miller & Jeanette's Morris cars

Robert Miller & Jeanette's Morris cars



Ian Mann & Les Kidney

Ian Mann & Les Kidney

Royal National Park tram stop

Royal National Park end of the line

Bathurst Gold Country Rally

21st-23rd May 2021

AMVC members at Lake Lyell

AMVC members at Lake Lyell

Margaret & Brian Heaton took home the trophy for Peoples Choice in the 1980s category.

Margaret & Brian Heaton
took home the trophy for
Peoples Choice in the 1980’ s

AMVC cars at Lake Lyell

AMVC cars at Lake Lyell

Twilight Run 27th January 2019
(renamed "The Non-Austin Run")

This year we tried a twilight run on the day after Australia Day as an alternative to the crowded events we have had for a few years past. We met at Liverpool Maccas at 3.30 and left around 4.30 for a leisurely drive down to Curry Reserve at Camden for a BBQ. Shortly after passing the Cross Roads intersection it started to rain and then thunder and lightning followed.

Drive to Camden in the rain
Austin car club umbrella getting a real workout in the rain

On arrival at Curry Reserve we found the shelter shed deserted and flooded, but after a few minutes sitting in our cars the rain eased somewhat and we all took up residence and proceeded to cook a variety of goodies on the BBQ's.

Everyone mingled around and caught up with what we had all been up to over the Xmas break etc, and a good time was had by all. I think we could have more of these twilight runs in future, particularly in the summer months as it was much easier getting home in the lighter traffic.

Report by Brian Heaton

Even the bad weather couldn't spoil the bbq.

Picnic at Appin Park

Tour of the Small Arms Factory Museum at Lithgow

Tour of the Historic Aircraft Restoratration Society hanger at Albion Park

Exploring Mt Annan Botanic Gardens

Australia Day 2018

Camden NSW


Austin club member cars lined up for display at the Camden show ground.

Non-Austin cars are always welcome
on our club runs

Another great day out with your mates.

Valley Heights Locomotive Depot Museum

Exploring the convict exercise yard on a tour of Cockatoo Island

30 Years of AMVC NSW

At the 2009 Club Christmas party and Presentation night were four guest Founding Members - Bob & Anne Moore, Dennis Quinton, and David Franks. I presented the 30th Anniversary badges to our guests, and our Club President Tony Groom also presented one to me. The Club formed on December 9th, 1979 with President Bob Franks, Vice President Robin Anderson, Secretary & Public Relations Bob Moore, Assistant Secretary Anne Moore, and Treasurer Christine Quinton. Geoff Austin & myself were also Founding Members.

Ron Franks


Left to Right - President Tony Groom & Ron Franks  


Left to Right - Dennis Quinton, Ron Franks Bob Moore,
Dave Franks & Anne Moore

Picnic drive to Fagan Park

Eastern Creek Classic Car Day


Austin Motor Vehicle Club of NSW

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